is stimulation therapy
right for you?
(click + icon to expand boxes)
Are you experiencing...
Chronic neck or back pain symptoms?
Chronic shoulder pain symptoms?
Chronic knee pain symptoms?
Chronic arm and wrist pain symptoms?
Chronic S.I. joint pain symptoms?
Chronic pelvic pain symptoms?
Chronic hernia pain symptoms?
Chronic leg and foot pain symptoms?
In the past have you...
Had an epidural injection or other type of therapy to treat your pain without success?
Spoken to a health professional about your chronic pain, but have not discussed or been made aware of a Freedom Stimulator neurostimulation implant?
Tried or considered neurostimulation options that come with cumbersome batteries?
Been told that neurostimulation is only possible via (SCS) spinal cord stimulation?
Do you prefer...
A solution that is lightweight, and no battery is implanted inside of your body?
The smallest implanted stimulator system available?
An outpatient, minimally invasive procedure?
A pain solution that’s capable of treating chronic pain throughout the body, below the head?
A system that is full-body* 3T and 1.5T MRI conditional? You can have an MRI after the procedure*.